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I believe riding is an art form.

It takes a combination of open mindedness, patience, determination and perseverance;

a person can dedicate their whole life to the sport and never stop learning.


My personal aspiration

is to be a life long student of the horse. I enjoy bringing out the best in every athlete, both horse and human.

I look forward to every lesson I teach; and every horse I ride.


Every time I enter the arena,

I aspire to listen to both athletes,

horse and human.

I feel it is my responsibility as a coach, to assist in creating a happy, competent and confident partnership through positive experiences.


The horses personality

must always be maintained

and the student must feel

both confidant and safe in their learning environment to acheive

their personal best.

~ tristan


Coaching Philosphy

Career Highlights


~Won 1.10m Year End Championship on Safe



~Won the RMWF 4 yr old division with Pearl IV


~Travelled to Colombia representing Canada in a multi-country Show Jumping competition.



~ I was accepted by Equine Canada as a Competition Coach Examiner


~I was accepted by Equine Canada as an Instructor of Beginner Examiner and a Learning Facilitator.


~ I traveled with Team MB & Students to RMSJ in AB for a Team Show Jumping Competition.


~ I was named Chef d’Equipe for Team Eastman at the MHC Championship Show.


~ Horse Country Magazine published an article I wrote.


~ I traveled to Thunderbird Horse show in BC with students, whom all achieved numerous top placings.


~ I was named "Coaching Manitoba, November Coach of the Month".


~ I achieved Equine Canada Coach II Status.


~I achieved Equine Canada Coach I Status.

~ I moved to Manitoba.


~ I groomed for Jay Hayes and Diva across Canada and the USA.


~ I graduated from Olds College Equine Science, Sport Horse Training Program.


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